Comments on: Leave the two Australian radio DJs alone Thu, 13 Dec 2012 09:43:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: oicucraft2 Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:41:51 +0000 Jock, I was only going on what was aired on yesterday mornings’ news.

By: Jock Wed, 12 Dec 2012 09:23:04 +0000 oicucraft2 – not sure u are right there. she was not a receptionist but a nurse who happened to take the call because it was 5 : 30 am and there was no one on switchboard. she then put call through to duchess’ ward .

By: oicucraft2 Wed, 12 Dec 2012 02:31:23 +0000 um, I heard this am that the person who departed this earth (allegedly) as a result of a phone call from two dj’s in OZland, was employed as a receptionist and all she did for all 4 seconds of the incident was to put the dl’s call thru to the person she assumed they needed to talk to.

Several long bows being drawn here, so time for ‘cool heads’ and ‘clear thinking’ instead of all the muck raking that’s gone on here.

The truth will eventually (I hope) be revealed.

I feel sorry for her family, BUT there’s another side to this story that hasn’t been told.

By: JN Tue, 11 Dec 2012 02:16:50 +0000 I live in Canada. I used to enjoy the royal visits. But I think that these journalists are hilarious and brilliant and obviously did not do anything with malicious intent. Enough already! They didn’t force the nurse to commit suicide. When someone kills his/herself their life is over and their loved ones are left behind to clean up the act. As embarrassed as she would have been, she should have “moved on”. Comparing a seemingly innocent prank to drunk driving is like comparing a handshake to rape. Give me a break. If the royals gave up their royal money and did more to help people in need, then we’d have reason to worship them. Enough already with this royal fantasy and pretense that they are just like “everyone else”. I think it would have been hilarious if it came out that Kate was really a “regular” girl with chlamydia or something of the sort. I don’t blame her for the prank, either, but I’m sick of this sort of thing making real news. If those DJ’s got through, they should be given a raise, not fired. They obviously have talent! And furthermore, let’s not forget that they are still “monarchy” and just celebrities in one form or another. I feel for the djs.

By: kym Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:30:06 +0000 ok some1 died by their own hands i might add yes very sad for her family but GUESS WHAT millions of people have died or will die in shocking and horrid ways/conditions today and yesterday and again tomorrow but no 1 gives a F___ abt any of them stop being hypocrites if you really cared about people you would try and do more for people around the world being murdered/raped/tortoured and stop blaming 2 dj’s who’s jobs were/are to entertain others on air must we all become depressed creatures with no sense of humour cause really between this political correctness crap and boring humourless people we are becomeing even more f_____ up

By: Tina Mon, 10 Dec 2012 10:36:52 +0000 At last – the voice of common sense!! (the original article, not some of the dozy comments posted!)
Since when has a prank been a crime? Whilst the death of the nurse is tragic and very very sad, these DJs can, in no way, be held responsible for it. She was responsible for her own life, as are we all.
Good grief, the PC brigade will be banning April Fools Day next!!
Sound to me like it’s hospital security that deserves a roasting, not the radio station!

By: RC Mon, 10 Dec 2012 01:04:23 +0000 PS My life belongs to my children…therefore i do not have to right to take it away from them. This is the responsibility we have when we give birth – we have to live and be there for them and taking one’s life because one has transferred a call to some precious royal’s nurse is just not good enough….oh there is so much more to this than the ignorant ruckus currently circulating.

By: RC Mon, 10 Dec 2012 00:56:56 +0000 The nurse was already broken. Any one with a modicum of intelligence understands this….
Who knows yet what the real story is? I put myself in the first nurse’s shoes and did i commit suicide? No!
I transferred the call to the nurse with the real responsibility….and defended myself against the tyranny of ignorance.
Now for the second nurse – She is ok – right? The one who did all the talking is probably basking in the attention.

So this really is a witch hunt and should be the catalyst for Australia to cut the umbilical chord once and for all. It is another distraction from the real issue. This world has too many persons living in extreme luxury because their ancestors were better at bloody murderous acquisition.

We all know that the ‘royals’ are descendants of some of the greatest most successful mass murderers and plunderers in history. Everything they ‘own’ is steeped in blood. This is what they stand for and no amount of privilege can cover up this truth.

Republic of Australia…here we come.

By: Guga Sun, 09 Dec 2012 19:30:13 +0000 What a load of utter drivel in many of the above comments.

Firstly, this nurse that died (they don’t even know yet if it was suicide) took the initial call and transferred it to another nurse. It was the other nurse that fell for the hoax and gave out information.

Secondly, any nurse worth her salt would not give out information on people like that Middleton woman without being sure of who was calling. Try even getting information on a patient in the Stornoway hospital; that can be difficult enough as the nurses there appear to know what they are doing.

Thirdly, if that nurse did commit suicide, and that has yat to be proved, it is difficult to believe it was merely because she transferred the call to another nurse to answer. Anyone who does commit suicide usually has some long term problems before they actually get around to killing themselves.

Finally, the Australians have a long tradition of playing pranks on those who consider themselves our “betters”. The well known Chasers programme can attest to that. This incident was just such a prank, and the DJs concerned did not think it possible that,with their very odd accents, to say the least, they would be taken seriously.

So, all you sycophants and forelock tuggers out there, give it a rest and stop jumping on the bandwagon calling for the DJs to be lynched or similar. Just grow up and stop being so deadly serious about a prank that may have had unforseen or unintended consequences; and stop grovelling about anything that involves these royal parasites.

By: Horrified and despairing Sun, 09 Dec 2012 18:18:39 +0000 “you should just ask if the pair set out out to cause harm.” – well actually the answer is definitely YES…. This radio station (not just the presenters) set out to get confidential medical information from an unsuspecting nurse. There actions could well have led to her dismissal as this is a sackable offence within the NHS. They had no idea what effect this would have on their so-called victim, they had no idea how vulnerable she was. Making a joke of anyone in hospital is just not funny. You have gone down in my estimation on this one I am afraid Iain.
