All these civilised countries which claim they are open and honest are out to get him. His crime – he embarrassed them on the net.
His commitment to disclosure on the internet has cost Julian Assange of WikiLeaks the liberty and freedom that is rightfully his because of the corruption that comes from governments falling in with powerful private interests. Heads should roll.
And where are the investigations by our proud and fearless press to get to the bottom of this shameful episode? Swept under the News International, Mirror Group and Associated Press carpets?
Here in the Western Isles of Scotland, many of our council members and leaders who claim to be open and honest are out to get someone. His crime – he embarrassed them on the net.
His commitment to disclosure on the internet has cost Angus Nicolson, of Nicolson Accountancy, at least one contract that was rightfully his in one of the most blatant and shameful episodes of corruption in the history of the Western Isles. It’s been covered up. We are not allowed to know who did what. That’s not good enough but the leaders, I am told, say that if they hold tight for another few months it’ll all blow over.
So where are the investigations by our proud and fearless press to get to the bottom of this scandal that shows the extent of abuse of power by pillars of the community in our own allegedly so-Christian islands?
Swept under the Johnston Press and West Highland Publishing Company carpets? Surely not?