Cheaper inter-island flights if comhairle plan takes off

Ambitious plans are being drawn up by Western Isles Council to run its own scheme to give cheaper flights between the islands of Lewis, Benbecula and Barra.

It would be similar to the present Scottish Government-run membership-based Air Discount Scheme which operates for islanders taking flights to and from Scottish islands and the mainland.

A report for its pursestrings policy and resources committee is set to investigate how the council could use income from such a scheme to support or increase the existing island air services.

The Outer Hebrides Commerce Group and community councils on Barra will bring forward evidence of the impact on the economy of the cuts in air services after recent budget decisions, which included the axing of flights from Barra to Benbecula.

NHS Western Isles will also outline the impact on health services that have followed those cuts which will undoubtedly bolster the case for a new way to ease the financial burden on individual travellers. It would mean public authorities in the Western Isles, including the health board and the islands council, paying the full fares on flights but members of the public would pay a reduced rate.

Council leader Angus Campbell, who is pushing for the scheme if it can be made to work, made it clear the council would not be unravelling its budget and decisions made at the time after public consultation. Any enhancement of services would have to be from new revenues.

He said: “One way of doing that may be to look at a new discount scheme and I will be asking officials to prepare a report looking at that and the possibility of using new revenues on air services.
“It is also important that we have the fullest information possible on the economic impact of the reductions in air services including any matters not previously considered and both the Outer Hebrides Commerce Group and the community councils on Barra have been working on that.”

SNP leader Donald Manford said: “It’s excellent news that the council is to rethink it’s position on the air services it removed. Much credit is due to the Scottish Parliament’s Petitions Committee for focusing minds on the problem.”

But Angus McCormack said: “It will be interesting to see Cllr Manford’s factual case for the reintroduction of the service that was withdrawn. I think a more realistic approach will see the council working with the Scottish Government and neighbouring local authorities to introduce a more efficient service that will serve the interests of the people of Barra once we know what their views are.”

The authority’s policy and resources committee meets on Thursday next week.

One Response to Cheaper inter-island flights if comhairle plan takes off

  1. I suspect that Comhairle aren’t capable of running any schemes, ambitious or otherwise. That is in addition to the fanciful notion that they could cope with administering the independent people’s republic of the Western Isles.
    God help us all!

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