Date: 16 November 2013
Dear Cllr Macrae
I acknowledge receipt of your email regarding the gritting policy. It will be the decision of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, in the first instance, whether the policy should be reviewed or not.
Date: 10 November 2013
Dear Cllr Mackay,
I am writing to you, as Chair of the Comhairle’s Transportation Committee, to carry out an urgent review of the Council’s current gritting policy.
As you know, the policy is not working, and many motorists and providers of essential services are putting their lives in danger on ungritted roads.
There have been many incidents since the policy was put in place last year, it is now time for the Comhairle to take some action before more serious accidents take place,
Yours sincerely,
Cllr. DJ Macrae
Na Hearadh agus na Lochan a Deas
So, in other words, Cllr. Macrae and his sensible plea is going to be ignored. Look forward to more chaos this week when the cold snap hits us.
How did DJ get on?
That will be he never turned up then?