MP fights to clear backlog of driving tests

I was hearing at the weekend of the chaos in the driving tests system with many short-notice cancellations recently when this came in from Angus Macneil MP.

He also got complaints and he contacted the UK Transport Ministers asking for explanations and demanding solutions so that monthly driving tests in the Western Isles are re-established as soon as possible.

Angus MacNeil said:  “The political pressure from me and constituents, has had an effect on the Driving Standard Agency (DSA) actions as, at the last moment, three examiners were made available to undertake the February tests and to clear the backlog of car and towing tests arising from the January cancellations.  However, DSA is still offering bike tests seven weeks apart, which makes things very difficult for both the people waiting to take their test and driving and rider schools.”

The MP said people in the islands waiting to take their test, be that for car or motorcycle, were not receiving the level of service their counterparts on the mainland get from the Driving Standard Agency.

“London needs to understand that given the already limited access to test availability, it is crucial that continuity of the monthly testing is maintained, this is proving hard. I will keep working to make sure the UK Department for Transport ensures that monthly testing arrangements are re-established for all vehicles.

“This is another clear example of how badly people of Scotland needs a strong SNP voice in Westminster so that this and other powers are devolved to Scotland.  London does not understand how important these services are for island communities such as ours.”


  1. Oh Mo Chreach February 16, 2015
  2. Bo Dung February 16, 2015
  3. Donald February 16, 2015
  4. Guga February 17, 2015
  5. Monket Subsidy February 17, 2015

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