UFO at North Uist

There are reports of a UFO seen in North Uist on Thursday evening.  Although it was dark, the witnesses say they saw something with lights which was fast-moving but low-flying and they believe it was silent.

Neither National Air Traffic Services nor the coastguard know of any movements in the area at that time.  If you saw it or have any genuine thoughts on what it could have been, please contact me on 0845 860 2411 or [email protected].

14 thoughts on “UFO at North Uist

  1. All jokes aside, At around 1 am, Myself and four others seen a strange light travelling along the horizon looking west towards St Kilda from Balivanich in Benbecula. It then made an erratic zigzag and shot off at a speed that left a long green line in the sky!!!! We all saw it so it happened and we witnessed it. What it was we dont know but it was real and it was there.

  2. All right, there was no alien. The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus. K Men in Black

  3. Mr X thank you for properly checing this out. Apart from attracting a predictable bunch of self styled jokers you may get a great story at the end of your investigations . The Army do not like you asking questions but you know that already.

  4. SNP supporters are becoming as rare as hens teeth, or but not as rare as statements from the MP and MSP fighting for their constituents instead of continuing to be the SNPs men in the Islands.

  5. we saw a low flying jet on weds on thursday night, cant remember which night over barvas around 8 o clock?

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