Watch out for these two Irish-registered vans which may be acting suspiciously around the island

A gentle warning to people in these islands about contractors who may not be all they seem. There is concern currently about two Irish-registered vans with a company name seen in certain areas of the island and apparently doing nothing – except watching, maybe?

When they were speaking to one of my informants on Saturday, the six occupants of the vans claimed to be erecting wind turbines. However, they have since been seen outside many houses where old folk live. They spent part of this afternoon in Point also calling at certain addresses.

Hmm. Not many wind farms there.

I am certainly not saying they are stealing heating oil, for instance, but I certainly understand why my correspondents in places like Point are getting concerned. Word is getting about and these vans are now under surveillance themselves and we have also discovered where they are staying.

Happily, I have just heard the police are also on the case so no doubt they will check them out too and find out what these guys are really up to.

Stay safe out there.

22 thoughts on “Watch out for these two Irish-registered vans which may be acting suspiciously around the island

  1. All Rudhachs (having Klingon ancestry) have cloaking devices on their oil tanks anyway. The Irish are just driving around trying to figure out how the h#ll they’re heating their homes.

  2. I wonder if this is a covert operation by GB Oils parent company DCC Plc ? Only the Irish could forget to change the number plates.

  3. ASs an Irishman who undertakes business on Lewis, I find both Iain McIvers racist stance towards Irish people in general and the comments attached to this deeply offensive and unwarranted. You should be ashamed of yourself Iain for implying danger when neither an offense has been committed or charge has been made. I would have though you held higher journalist standards than those of the gutter press.

  4. Mark is an idiot for playing the race card. Ian’s article does not even mention Irish people. From what I hear some of them are Liverpudlians anyway. Why is it racist to describe vehicles as having Irish plates?

  5. Mark,get beside yourself.When l am in ireland and getting the rip pulled out of me with absolutely no mercy,l have only two actions left available.One is too grip the bar tight,since l am laughing so much the floor has an irresistable pull,and the other is to remember when its my shout and insist,really insist on pulling my wallet out to get more of the black stuff circulating.Great people,great company,great craic

  6. Guga – LOL – have you re-read any of your anti English rants lately :-)

    My concern there are enought Island based con acts promising wealth from turbines let alone adding off island influences.

  7. I wish people would stop conflating bigotry [whether correctly alleged or not in this case] with racism. The Irish and English and Scottish and Celtic, etc, [not to mention German, French, Belgian, Swedish, et al] are all the same race — regardless of whether we can or cannot stand the sight of one or another. It may be the prejudice card but it aint’ the race card

  8. Well they are at it again those Barra agitators on the Hebrew News and I feel compelled to write to commend you on your excellent and impressive blog Mr.X, and the manner in which you allow some very difficult and controversial topics to be discussed and debated, to paraphrase, and I note with regret that Mumford is not content with his Grammy when the rest of the world has moved to cassettes and he is demanding his own plane for himself and the MP even though the Government have purchased two for them at great expense for their exclusive use.
    As expected the billet-doux arrived from the Department of Taking You to Court at the council arrived turning down my proposal for meals on trailers, signed by Nigel Lawson who has fallen on hard times since he used to be Chancellor until Margaret sacked him for being useless.
    Has anyone out there even yourself Iain, got an XXXL string vest that I can borrow forever because my mother won’t give me hers, even though she took to her bed five years ago, vowing never to walk again since her best time of walking was over long ago after I stole Chuck’s football boots for her the season we won everything in 1951. The studs were as lethal as ever until the day she finally took them off three years ago and never a slip or broken hip on the upward slope of our starran from then until now, saving Neil Alex and the NHS a fortune! Better than giving all these people useless sticks although they are so fashionable you cannot move on Cromwell Street for fear of being struck by one of them wielded by a novice, some of them have two.
    I need the vest to repair a slight blemish in my salmon net for one more outing for salting before the fools here buy the land off our landlord and poaching will be a thing of the past like paraffin lamps before them, and what’s the fun of stealing from yourself? But the day is past when we had proper landlords with names like Thornliecroft who made guns and bombs to sell to poor people far away, and Carrington who became a War Lord for Margaret back in the day when we had an empire built by Scots, and me among them, until the great depression caused by socialists wanting more money.
    What will be the fun of having your neighbour lording it over you with their daft development schemes, turbines and curry nights? Better by far the landlord from afar who would give you a job rowing them round in circles during the day then you would go, like a proper peasant from Raasay, netting and shooting by night but that will all stop 2014 when Alex sets us free.
    I had to write to the MSP fellow again this week when he was moaning about European Money being not enough and I told him straight- let them keep their foreign money, we will be printing our own and want nothing to do with them, since why should we be sending them money only for them to send it back, but not all, to build bridges to Scalpay and roads to deserted villages where nobody lives, and in any case we will be out of there forever next year. “No EEC in ’73” was the slogan I invented for Donald back then and “Bread Bread off with Ted’s Head!” was rejected on the grounds that Donald and Ted (Heath) got on famously them both being jolly sailors and all that. I sided with Sir Gerald Nabarrow ( uncle of the present Paul Wheelbarrow) a fine flying fellow like myself, without the moustache, and a man for daily gargles on the terrace. Anyway Wilson, Harold, got in and gave Donald a spare pipe which became his constant companion to increase his popularity among the aristocracy, who loved him being no threat, well stoked with Old Horsehair Golden Flake Ready Rubbed, with a fine evocative aroma like rotten seaweed that had them in tears in The House and then Wilson stopped the three day week experiment which Ted and Donald invented to get the country going again, and made us all go back to working five days and gave the miners more money for doing less.
    Ba, Ba, Ba Ba and so on, mix a little vinegar (malt) with Vaseline and ground black pepper in equal proportions apply twice a day and it will be as right as rain.

  9. The six men you describe were staying in our hotel over the past few nights and although they departed the island yesterday afternoon?? they were VERY polite & respectful and gave us no trouble AND before departing made sure all outstanding monies were paid in full. They thanked my Husband and shook his hand, and I can confirm the Police were in fact not on the case, Trading Standards were though, just ask Stuart.

  10. Paul, I have no problem with the Irish as they do not treat my country as a subservient colony as you English do. Nor do they steal my country’s money and resources as you English do.

    My “rants” are aimed at a foreign power which wishes to keep hold of my country only to prop up their own failing English state. My criticism, therefore, is against colonialists like yourself.

  11. Me thinks Paul has a persecution complex, as I have been involved in discussions twice on Iain X and BOTH times he has spat this argument into the discussion.

  12. Guga you really do (when it comes to politics) live in a mid Victorian world of oppression and destitution coupled with a rose tinted Walter Scott world of medival battles and flying Saltaires. Fact is we have moved on. Yes I am English and a WASP (white anglo saxon protestant) the last of my kind. My brother married a Scot, as has my daughter too living and working in Scotland and my son is half German proudly serving in the British Army. The customs and traditions of marrying within to continue the lineage have gone other than in nobility and a few remote islands. However I am just one of many nationalities that make up the United Kingdom and are electors to a united parliament. Parliament steals all our money it has not selected Scotland specifically as you seem to think. In fact from all the money they currently steal a far greater pot is returned north than is collected. Equally as an example of funding, the almost single future energy policy the nationalists can produce is of the beauty of rural Scotland being covered in ineffective wind turbines is funded (by their sheer ratio of the people living in Scotland) by electricity bills of people living in England and Wales at a ratio of 85%/15%. Thats why they are pressing on with blanket coverage of the country before that pot dries up should independence happen. Holyrood determines our well being now and in my opinion devolution has shown just how well that is managed good and bad.

    Are you also suggesting that only those of English nationality are stealing your money? How about the 20% of England that are not ethnic English? Including the 800,000 Scots living in England who will be condemned to being foreigners in an alien country if the seperatists have their way – they too are stealing your money and supporting colonial control. Independance overnight will excumuicate a sixth of the Scots living in the UK, create a situation where currently a multitude of nationalities living under the umbrella of ‘British’ to be too foreigners in the new single state of England. Finally the 20% of those non Scots living in Scotland will too be foreigners where to quote the SNP in their land of Scottish people rather than people of Scotland. Overnight racial harmony will change – there again changes in racial structures have always been at the heart of nationalist political parties National being us alone or superior.

    On that final point Guga your zeniphobia towards the English is dangerously becoming close to racist. A shame, as on all other matters you debate well.

  13. Tracy if you think the comments made by Guga at 1:58 a.m. are reasoned and balanced then yes I have a complex lol.

  14. Seeing the other mans sense of view,is always preferable to making him see yours.If all were to do it this way,harmony has a better chance of survival.Personally l have always felt very priviliged that l live in a nation that comprises of four separate and unique countries,how good is that.Nothing wrong with patriotism,providing it used in conjunction with looking at horizons,not navel gazing,flips sake, amazing where all this fluff comes from !!

  15. very controversial and easy to get carged over commenting the truth is never far away from a yarn though!

  16. Paul, Your statement “In fact from all the money they currently steal a far greater pot is returned north than is collected.” is, as you are well aware, utter bulldust.

    Instead of repeating Unionist lies, why don’t you check your facts. Scotland is subsidising England, and is propping up the failed English state. Start with the McCrone Report and work your way forward from there.

    The rest of your rant is, as would be expected, taken straight from the Unionist and Quisling’s handbook.

    Incidentally, the word you were looking for is xenophobia, not “zeniphobia”. And, for your information, I do not suffer from a morbid dislike of foreigners, I suffer from a genuine dislike of my country being exploited by foreigners. That is not racist by any stretch of the imagination, so stop trying on the racist card as the only ones being dangerously close to racism are the English and their colonial attitudes.

  17. Guga,
    So you believe in multi-culturism ?, so why do so many of my black and gay friends decide not to live in or move to Scotland….land of tolerance. Regarding the English, what colonialism are you talking about, most of the “wars” involving armies on this soil were carried out by local’s fighting each other for a bit of power, naturally you tend to forget being a nationalist that many of your Clansmen sided with the “English” armies, to defeat any rebellion. that didn’t suit them. It’s all about power, and you , our one eyed friend of the lone Albatross are just as bilious in your attitude as you ever were. If you dared to think about other areas of the UK other than your own, you would realise pretty quickly that, upset with a London centric nation is as prevalent in the North of england, Northen Ireland, Wales, cornwall and any other extremity of this nation you can care to think of, but we don’t all believe in selling out our fellow national’s down the river when the going gets tough….but then Guga you sound like the lilly livered individual that would never be fit to be able to accept the Queen or King’s shilling, because quite simply You Ain’t any team player. Good luck on your own, you sad individual.

    Time for pulling together, not apart.

  18. Re: RED, WHITE & BLUE, I wish to enquire about your comment about your gay friends not wanting to move to Scotland -Why?

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