The scandal of the Callanish Stones and how island planning may still be about who is on your Christmas present list

Norman Macdonald - one law for him and one law for bib companies

Norman Macdonald – wondering if there’s one law for him and another for companies who are generous to people that matter

The prejudices of officials, politicians and others with malign influence continue to make a mockery of planning in the Western Isles. From Barra to the Butt, there are dark souls who can stick the knife in when decent people want to improve their lot. Maybe, there always have been. Just as money always talks. However, the world is moving on and we need to lance the boil.

There have been some pretty awful examples in recent years but the case of Norman Macdonald, of Great Bernera, and the furtive  opposition to his plan for two small turbines at Kirkibost shows up how deep island hypocrisy goes. What happened shows up the result for what it is – a complete farce.

These people think they are clever. To work effectively, the rot reaches down to Holyrood. There, they can’t be bothered to deal with applications on their merits – as they are legally required to. The island planners’ well-rehearsed double-speak is merely rehashed by the gophers of the Scottish Ministers to block any plans by those who don’t doff their caps to those who would rule over us.  It’s democratic, open and transparent, we are told. Barefaced lies.

However, despite the spin, there is no such thing as a final decision - and the latest people to prove that are the islanders of Raasay.  Maybe more people will now sit up and take notice to what is happening on our own doorstep.

By the way, I hope  The Herald will give the Callanish Stones scandal proper prominence tomorrow.

6 thoughts on “The scandal of the Callanish Stones and how island planning may still be about who is on your Christmas present list

  1. Another part of the Island culture that requires thorough investigation. The local press does need to start looking into all these matters with more concern. When was anything of note challenged. Who in authority is concerned ?

  2. Don Quixote versus Quid Dominatus ?,or just upset because his apllication and site was poorly judged

  3. Just what input did the back-stabbers in Bayhead have in this refusal? My understanding is that Tintin whispered in the Ministerial ear and Union Jack proclaimed that the entire community opposed the plan (on the basis that Cllr Rae did).

  4. Donald M – the Bayhead Back stabber input is now irrelevant, they were both elected on an anit- industrial windfarm platform by people who trusted them to be true to their word. How wrong we were, they now actively support the multi nationals against the small developers like Norman Macdonald of Bernera.

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