Morrison claims MP is trying to shut down debate

Parliamentary candidate Alasdair Morrison has accused Angus MacNeil of trying to close down debate ahead if the election by stating that only MSPs are entitled to discuss our failing ferry services.

Morrison said he had put the economy of the islands centre stage during this election campaign and without a strong and developing economy these communities suffer.

“This morning I was shocked by Angus MacNeil’s criticism of our stated transportation policies which would transform life and work on our islands. Mr MacNeil’s response was that not a word should be uttered about ferry or airline services during this Westminster election campaign – because, according to him, only members of the Scottish Parliament possess the collective wisdom on such matters.”

The Labour hopeful said it was obvious that Mr MacNeil didn’t want to debate the SNP’s shameful record that had led to the ferry fiasco. He said he would like to assure everyone that he will not be silenced on these matters of fundamental importance and neither will the families and businesses who are suffering.

“How the SNP think they can separate ferry services and air services from discussion on the islands’ economy, defies logic. It was also very clear from today’s radio report that Angus Brendan McNeil is trying to shift the blame for the continuing ferry fiasco to his friend and colleague Alasdair Allan MSP.”

Mr Macneil did not respond to an invitation to respond to Mr Morrison.

* Alasdair Morrison also set out Scottish Labour’s local transport commitments for the years to come:

  • Reform of the Board of Caledonian MacBrayne and all ferry agencies
  • Create a Rural and Island Air Support Fund to develop air services
  • Guarantee a year-round ferry service from Lochboisdale to Mallaig
  • Review the cost of ferry transportation for commercial traffic
  • Ensure all island councils, businesses and local communities inform and shape all future ferry services


  1. David MacNeil April 1, 2015
  2. Monkey Subsidy April 1, 2015
  3. Mary Anne Mackenzie April 1, 2015
  4. Sober Island April 1, 2015
  5. Donald April 1, 2015
  6. Monkey Subsidy April 1, 2015

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