SNP has done nothing for Scotland in two terms – LETTER

25 North Street

Dear Sir

Scotland’s First Minister is appearing very arrogant in her latest outpouring to her ardent following. She is apparently going to sort out Westminister. I think that most unlikely. Personally, I should prefer that she resolve the governance of Scotland as her number one priority. Before you start telling others what to do, it is a good idea to have your own house in order.

angus mcc

Angus McCormack

Her contributions since becoming First Minister tend to mimic the bluff and bluster of her predecessor who continues his role as master of saying anything which will generate a headline. Nicola Sturgeon has had to accept that her figures on oil revenues were wrong-very badly wrong. It was never going to be a good idea to pin all Scotland’s hopes on oil. I have always wondered why any government would wish to pin this nation’s future on fossil fuel receipts given that climate change is so seriously affecting our planet, the enormous expense of locating new oil resources, the unreliability of such finds in the long term and in the case of the SNP, its policy of encouraging renewables – in ‘selected’ areas!

Another contradiction has intrigued me: why would you have a referendum in Scotland about becoming independent when you have no idea what tax system is to be in place in future? I hunted in the SNP White Paper for some enlightenment; there was none. Recently I attended a conference session billed as the replacement to the Council Tax freeze (a freeze which incidentally has meant the non-collection of £5.5 billion – think of what councils throughout Scotland could have done with such monies!) where the speaker was Marco Biagi, SNP Minister for Local Government and Community. He also co-chairs the Commission on Local Tax Reform. Well, he spoke for about an hour and it is clear that he has no idea what is to replace the Council Tax. He is hoping to have something to pursue as an election pledge next year. So over the course of two terms in office, the SNP has done nothing to establish a tax regime for Scotland. As ever, the SNP is terrified of taking a decision on anything remotely controversial in case they lose votes.

Now we’re told the SNP has many members but unfortunately no policy on the important issue of Local Tax Reform. Professor John Curtice has described the SNP in government as being ‘very conservative’. How very true. I am quite convinced that the gloss will wear off and voters will see that the SNP has done nothing for Scotland in its two terms in office – nothing that would lead to real resource redistribution. Plenty of platitudes but no action.

Yours faithfully

Angus McCormack


  1. north star April 4, 2015
    • Another truaghan April 6, 2015
  2. The Other Angus April 4, 2015
  3. I M M April 5, 2015
  4. Sy Gal April 5, 2015
    • Guga April 5, 2015
  5. SY Gal April 5, 2015
    • Guga April 6, 2015
    • Another truaghan April 6, 2015
  6. David Graham April 6, 2015
  7. Another truaghan April 6, 2015
  8. Another truaghan April 6, 2015
  9. Donald Maclean April 7, 2015

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