Tag Archives: RET

Why is transport minister Keith Brown too busy for a ferry fares meeting?

Transport minister Keith Brown has claimed to be too busy during the long parliamentary summer recess to meet with the Outer Hebrides Commerce Group.

The snub has infuriated OHCG members who hoped to meet with the minister to discuss the contents of a government-commissioned report which showed the devastating impact the ferry tax is having on businesses and islanders.

OHCG vice-chair David Wood said they were disgusted Keith Brown could not meet with them to discuss the recent 67% rise in commercial ferry fares.

“We are also amazed that he said he’s too busy.  What does a transport minister do during the parliamentary recess if he can’t find time to discuss transport issues with taxpayers?”

Mr Brown commissioned the MVA report which showed that the removal of RET had a detrimental effect on the Western Isles’ economy.  Despite loud and vociferous claims to the contrary by SNP activists, the benefits of cheaper fares were passed to the communities, according to OHCG.

David Wood asked: “Why is the SNP government comfortable with the removal of tolls from Scottish bridges at a cost to the taxpayer of £175 million per annum whilst rocketing Western Isles ferry fares accumulate £1.5 million of revenue for their coffers?
“I would have expected better from the SNP, the ruling party who currently have an MSP and MP who are meant to be representing us.  The campaign to fight this iniquitous ferry tax will continue – another 50% increase is due to be imposed next March.”

OHCG letter from Keith Brown 240713

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