Monthly Archives: November 2011

Scottish Fuels sister company caught overcharging

A sister company of everyone’s favourite fuel distributor Scottish Fuels has been caught out overcharging its customers.  Home heating company Maxol Direct has apologised to customers for the error. It has apologised to 2,200 customers who were charged double for oil.

The firm has blamed a computer error for direct debit payments being taken twice. It said all customers would be refunded within the next few days.  The heating oil company was recently taken over by DCC Energy, the parent company of Scottish Fuels, GB Oils and Brogan Fuels.

DCC has also been fined tens of thousands of pounds for overcharging customers in Wales. The company was also found to have set up bogus price comparison websites for heating oil. The sites were fixed to make sure that only quotes from DCC-owned companies were shown.

Johann Lamont has now set out her unequivocal stance on equality – but she won’t answer questions about those embarrassing Western Isles bigots

I’ve had a difficult conversation or two recently with certain Labour figures who want me to stop pointing out the extremist tendencies of some of their seemingly-loyal people. Branch chairman Matt Bruce wrote having a go too telling me, more or less, to change my sources. Everything is sweetness and light and no churchy bigot is calling the shots. He’s in charge.

OK, he didn’t use those exact words but that’s the gist. Inexplicably, Matt completely forgot to explain what he was doing about the bigots among his members whose vile and hateful views have so  badly tarnished the once-thriving party.

Lamont - after being unanimously endorsed by the Hebridean Haters Party, why is she now unwilling to discuss equality issues?

He also took issue with me for calling him names. How dare I call him “decent”. Sorry Matt, but after realising you have no intention of taking any action to drive out the nutcases who would attack some of the most vulnerable in society, I won’t make that mistake again.

Just to cheer him up, below is a lovely wee letter from Johann Lamont to Alex Salmond a few months ago to remind everyone where Labour stands on equality. This is from the woman endorsed by Crichton and Macleod and the entire local branch as their next leader. Yes, not-so-decent Matt proudly announced it was “unanimous”.

Amazingly, Ms Lamont fails to declare her support for Mr Donald Crichton’s bold call for a Heterosexuality Test before couples are allowed to book accommodation or Mr John Macleod’s personal assessment, presumably after extensive research, that anyone not displaying rippling heterosexual prowess like himself should be put down.

Either the extremist elder and the crackpot columnist – part of the famously “unanimous” vote  - have dramatically changed their views on gay rights, in which case we should be told and I will immediately withdraw everything I have said, or they believe Ms Lamont is just a hypocrite looking for votes who will not actually do anything to push equality.

Last week I wrote to Ms Lamont pointing out the public proclamations of the Hebridean bigots. I asked her for a chat on radio about equality along the lines of what she wrote below to Alex Salmond.  She has neither replied nor even bothered to acknowledge my inquiry. We are all entitled to wonder why.

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5 August 2011

Dear Alex

I write to you regarding the comments of one of your SNP colleagues regarding same-sex marriage.

In Scottish Parliament motion S4M-00586 John Mason claims that individuals and organisations would somehow be “forced to be involved in or to approve of” same-sex marriages. I trust you will agree this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the whole debate around same-sex marriage. The debate is not about forcing anything on anybody – it is about allowing religious organisations that wish it the freedom to hold same-sex ceremonies in their buildings.

As the Equality and Human Rights Commission have reported there has been growing public support of same-sex relationships in the last two decades with the Scottish and British Social Attitudes Surveys showing a substantial increase in those who feel same-sex relationships are “rarely/never wrong” as well as growing support for same-sex couples to be allowed to marry. Some recent opinion polls have suggested that support for same-sex marriage to be as high as 58%. With the majority of Scots agreeing that same sex couples should be afforded the same right to get married as heterosexual couples, Mr Mason’s views are out of kilter with mainstream Scottish opinion.

Mr Mason has so far failed to explain whether his comments were in fact a coded attack on the rights of gay people and indeed whether he speaks for the SNP. I note also that the motion has secured the backing of a number of other SNP MSPs. However, I note that Pete Wishart MP has criticised Mr Mason’s motion as “nasty”, “anti-gay”, “wrong” and that he was “really disappointed that other colleagues have signed it.” I therefore wanted to write to you to seek your assurances that Mr Mason’s comments do not reflect the views of the SNP or the Scottish government and urge you publicly to make clear your personal position and that of your party.

Labour is proud to have introduced civil partnerships – an important step forward in tackling inequality. We believe the time is now right to consult on options to provide genuine equality for same-sex couples and their families by addressing the different status of civil partnerships and marriage. I note the SNP manifesto committed to “begin a process of consultation and discussion on these issues.” I would be grateful if you could outline the scope of the consultation and indicate when it will be launched. In particular, I would ask whether the consultation will consider the best way to implement the ‘Alli Amendment’ in Scotland to give religious organisations which wish it the freedom to hold civil partnerships in their buildings for the first time.

Labour is clear – Scotland absolutely should not be left behind on issues of gay equality and I hope the Scottish government agrees.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely

Johann Lamont MSP
Deputy Scottish Labour Leader

There must be a way to change the day I was born. I want to become a Libran

Did you hear about the man who applied for a job? At the bottom of the application form where it said “sign here” he wrote: “Scorpio.” You may giggle but, to some Chinese employers, your star sign is what they want to know. It leads me to wonder whether astrology the biggest load of codswollop ever devised – or is there something to it?

After years of sneakily checking to see what the stars had in store for me each day, I realised they must be referring to someone else entirely. You may disagree but be aware that I now officially reserve the right to consider you barmy. Or Chinese

So devoted are business types there that some companies are indeed taking people on just because of their star signs. You have more chance of getting a job with a certain company in Wuhuan in central China if you are Capricorn, Pisces or a Libran. They are not interested in Scorpios or Virgos. As a Virgoan I wanted to know why I was blackballed by this organisation before I’d even got round to applying.

I have been sceptical since one horoscope – not the Press and Journal one, obviously – said I was going to get great news in the post. Minutes after reading it, the letterbox clattered. It was a tax demand. So what’s the problem with those poisonous Scorpions and us cuddly Virgoans? may I ask.

“I hired people with those two star signs before, and they either liked quarrelling with colleagues or they couldn’t do the job for long,” a woman by the name of Xia explained. Scorpios quarrelsome? I’m trying to think of well-known Scorpios to see if they are. Ken Dodd certainly isn’t. Or Frank Bruno. He’s a laugh a minute.

Icelandic songbird Bjork is a tad grumpy allegedly and did I not hear somewhere that John Cleese can be too? Yes, he said it himself on the radio. Hmm, I’m not so sure about them, after all. I’d be careful about hiring any of them. Whereas the other lot who are shunned by Chinese human resources departments, us Virgos, never squabble, get depressed or walk out in the huff slamming doors. Ask my wife. Mrs X will confirm my sweet nature. That she’s had thick carpets put down so our doors have to be pushed shut is just a fascinating coincidence.

The Queen is one of us, you know. Oh yes, and one doesn’t see Her Maj snapping at anyone, do you? A typical Virgoan like myself, she is always so calm and serene. As was Mother Teresa, another lady we called our own.

Who in showbiz is under the sign of the virgin? Sean Connery is the most easy-going and generous fellow that Alex Salmond has ever had the pleasure of bumping into. However, Hugh Grant, as we have seen recently, can be very bolshie and Leonard Cohen did sing in a way which suggested he was a bit down in the dumps. So maybe we are a mixed bag, us Virgoans.

So why do Capricorns rate highly as workers? Maybe it’s because they have all been known to wear tartan at one time or another. Possibly the three best known Capricorns are Alex Salmond himself, Rod Stewart and the somewhat , er, unpredictable Mel Gibson. Poor Mel has been complaining that no one is hiring him so this latest Chinese theory is not really helping him one bit.

Librans though seem to be a divine bunch. They would be an asset on any payroll. Have you ever seen such a spiritually-inspiring lot? Would you hire Cliff Richard, Desmond Tutu and Mahatma Gandhi?  Of course you would. Librans all. Wot no Pope? No, he’s Aries and no one can stand them. Except His Holiness, of course.

Groucho Marx was another Cap. He’d be good fun in the canteen at tea break.
Stop there. I’ve got this all wrong. I would never hire any of them. I have just noticed David Cameron on this list of nose-to-the-grindstone Capricorns. Look, Baroness Thatcher is there too. Then there are the fishy people, the Pisceans. Highly regarded in the city of Wuhuan, they’re claimed to be happy and full of fun. They are supposed to be a joy to work with and no great Chinese company can ever have enough of them.

The late Tommy Cooper was one such busy giggler.  What’s this? Gordon Brown is a Piscean? Good grief. Happy and full of fun? There must be some mistake.
All of which means I cannot believe that when you are born can affect your life and in the same way as the lives of everyone else born around that time of year.
What’s important is not when you have a birthday but just how many of them you achieve.

What could be better than a big cake with an inferno of blazing candles atop it? A decorated cake can be so beautiful that often no one wants to eat the work of art.
That wasn’t the case with a certain pensioner who lives near Stornoway and who had a birthday recently. He told his carer how pleased he was that so many people had remembered and that his next door neighbour had even made him a big birthday cake.

He’d scoffed a big piece. It was lovely, he whispered to her, but it had given him the most terrible heartburn. “Oh, don’t worry about that, Mr Stewart,” she said. “Next year, we’ll make sure you don’t eat the candles.”

Sarwar warned local party about John Macleod

I am now assured, from interesting sources, that deputy leadership hopeful Anas Sarwar MP was stunned that Fifth Columnist John Macleod was at the Labour branch meeting the other night.

Now the right way up

At one stage, he chilled the blood of at least one person in the room, saying: “Nowhere else would I be introduced to a member of the constituency party who is a columnist with the Daily Mail.”

He’s so right. Nowhere else would it be allowed to happen that an obnoxious individual, who had publicly wished vulnerable members of the community were dead, except in a morally-bankrupted branch where a Free Church elder, who has also publicly called for Nazi-style discrimination against one section of the community, is deciding what’s what.  That is the whole point.

Few of the Labour faithful gathered to hear his wise words on Wednesday actually picked up on the fact that Mr Sarwar was actually giving them a stark warning. Some just sniggered, pathetically.

Muslim MP silenced by Free Church bigots. You couldn’t really make this one up.

The call from Anas Sarwar’s assistant on Monday was friendly. The candidate for the Scottish Labour deputy leadership, recently backed by the Western Isles local party, was coming to Stornoway and wondered if I wanted a chat. Yes please, I said, because I would like to do a radio interview. We arranged to meet on Wednesday afternoon.

When I told certain political chatterers that I planned to interview the MP, they were pleased. Good man, they said. He will deal with whatever you pitch at him. I’m looking forward to this, I said.

Having promised several sickened members of Labour’s former faithful to expose the evil gay-hater John Macleod’s wretched involvement in the local party, I did so on the blog on Monday night. It’d give me something else to talk to Sarwar about because, like many of his party’s acolytes, he has spoken out firmly against extremism himself.

When the chatterers saw what I had written – well, thousands have read it – and how vicious Macleod had been over the years, they baulked. They had forgotten how hateful and deranged this cracked lunatic really was. What the hell was the local party doing even giving the time of day to such a toxic individual? they gasped. It’s a good question which one day will be answered, I promise you.

One chatterer was doubtful and said: “If Sarwar still speaks to you knowing you will have the homophobia that has infected the local association on the agenda, then he really is leadership material.” Hey, I’d got a dozen questions and that is just one of them. There was a lot of other things I wanted to ask too.

When the chatterer – he’s really my well-placed political adviser – phoned back Wednesday lunchtime, he wondered if Sarwar had cancelled. Nope, it’s still on for 4.30pm, I told him. “This guy could be the next PM. Not joking,” he said.

However, at about 3.15pm, Sarwar’s assistant called to say the interview was off. What? Oh, he’s really busy and things had regrettably been “pushed back”. I could email in some questions, she said. Oh, that’ll make fantastic radio, I said. We will just get his answers up on the computer screen and broadcast 10 minutes of silence.

“Sorry, bye.” Bye yourself, I thought.

Ten minutes later she was back on the phone trying to arrange a telephone interview. Ah, someone (can’t think who) has been dripping poison in his ear but Sarwar still wants to speak. Excellent. This must be good guy, after all. Why, I wondered, if he was able to do a phone interview at 4.30pm, could we not just meet so I could interview him face-to-face? I prefer to see the whites of their eyes, you see.

Still, a phone interview about the religious extremism strangling the Western Isles Labour Party with a Labour guy who has condemned all religious extremism and who will probably be the next deputy leader would be fantastic.

He never called back, I am saddened to tell you. As of this morning, I now know for certain who advised him not to.

Instead of standing up for the wee people and for their rights as he promised before he stood as a candidate, Anas Sarwar listened instead to a few well-heeled bigots and shattered his promise – and his reputation with many.

I have had messages from politicians up and down the country in response to that previous blog posting. They are fascinated that bigots can wield such power. It’s not news to us in the islands. They also note with interest that the local media here are all, as ever, scared witless to write a single word about the unholy mess into which two vicious individuals – it was three, but the third is coming to his senses – have plunged local Labour.

Now we have to wait and see if the person who really matters, Johann Lamont, is as happy to talk about the evils of religious prejudice and minority bashing in her own party as she was to make these promises before a bunch of compliant big city journos. I have, of course, written to ask her exactly that.

PS: I was asked today by a prominent politician how local Labour chairman Matt Bruce, who everyone thought was a decent fellow, can possibly allow religious right-wingers, who are vicious campaigners against Labour’s equality agenda to call the shots at a Labour Party branch. Who knows? I hope somebody will ask him soon.

Ye’ll ken them by the company they keep

I hope deputy Labour leadership contender Anas Sarwar, a man who once upon a time brusqely claimed there was no place in Scottish politics for religious extremism, enjoyed his meeting in Stornoway tonight.  Interestingly, earlier in the day, Mr Sarwar decided he preferred the company of a bloodthirsty, bigoted homophobe from the Daily Mail masquerading as a supporter of the workers’ party to mine.  His decision, which some people will not forget.
I’m sure Mr S  had a good time despite the stench from the company he was in.  It was fascinating to hear who was at the meeting tonight – and who made their excuses and stayed away to wash their hair. Remember to ask me how Anas reacted when an open-minded journalist who does not get his kicks by vicious attacks on our country’s minorities asked if he could interview him. Actually, I’ll tell you anyway very soon.

Broken Labour Party makes a new start – with a professional gay-hater

A few months ago I was assured by a concerned leading light in the local Labour Party that I was “utterly wrong” to keep suggesting that the association had slumped into a pit of homophobic extremism which would make them unelectable for a generation.

Outrageous comments by the candidate in the spring would, he said, not be repeated and they were addressing all concerns. Excellent, I said. Well done, guys. You will rise again.

So what has happened since? Well, now they have recruited professional gay-hater John Macleod, a bigot of the uncuddly Free Presbyterian persuasion. He attends all meetings and, I am told, boasts online about giving up his valuable time for long advice sessions with his favourite local Labour activists.

As some of those activists were in primary school at the time of the offences, we should perhaps enlighten them about their new pal and what he has written about other people’s sexuality.


Before he got sacked from The Herald for abusing the families of murdered girls, Macleod charmingly wrote that gays were “unnatural”, “dangerous”, and “evil”. He also linked homosexuality to “promiscuity, instability, neurosis, substance abuse, suicide, untold depths of degradation, misery, self-loathing”. Not content with that, he sunk to a new low when, although being careful to avoid claiming gays should be killed, as the Bible demands, instead said homosexuals were “simply not equipped to live”.

The monster Macleod even suggested, when Labour Party stalwart Ron Davies was caught on Clapham Common in some sort of situation with another man, that the gossip “perhaps, would cease only if Ron Davies were obligingly to kill himself.” His message was, and still is, very loud and very clear.

Nowadays, you will find openly-gay people online who say they know John Macleod and regard him as a friend.  It is obvious they don’t know his black history.

All that candidate Donald Crichton, a devout Free Church elder of course, did was propose South African-style discrimination by accommodation providers against same-sex guests. That, in five seconds, ensured he would never get anywhere near Holyrood. What the flawed genius Macleod will now do to further trash the reputation of the party of working people is anyone’s guess. And we can be sure the local executive will stand idly by twiddling their thumbs, as always. Nothing to do with us.

So when did John Macleod “convert” from the sneeps, the party which was so deeply embarrassed when he announced his deep love for it? Oh years ago, the Labour droids say. Really? How was it then that in April last year during a discussion about the leaders’ TV pitches, he wrote, in his tiresome self-inflating fashion, on the website of The Spectator: “My cynical but objective take – as an experienced journalist who will probably vote SNP – is that Clegg edged it …”

Scottish Labour leadership favourite Johann Lamont has pledged full support for gay rights in Scotland – including gay marriage. What a decent person like her will make of the latest stomach-churning goings-on at the islands’ branch remains to be seen. I have recently learned she and the deputy leadership candidate and their colleagues are avid readers of this blog. Good morning, all.

The ghastly truth behind all this is that when John Macleod spewed his bile about “untold depths of degradation, misery, self-loathing,” he was actually talking about just one sad, lonely man. Yep, John Macleod.

Uncomfortable Labour meeting backs Lamont and Sarwar

After a meeting described by some activists as “uncomfortable”, Western Isles Labour Party unanimously endorsed Glasgow Pollok MSP Johann Lamont as its choice for the new leader of the Scottish Labour Party.

Members also backed Glasgow Central MP Anas Sarwar as their choice for deputy.

Johann Lamont

In a statement, the party said that the fact that its activists in a region often and unfairly attacked for its supposed social conservatism had opted, albeit respectively, for a woman as Scottish Labour boss and a Muslim Scots-Asian as her second-in-command, would “startle” many.

However, local Labour activists took quiet satisfaction in simply picking the best folk for the jobs, it said.

Labour chairman Matt Bruce added: “There will be a ballot to allow all party members their final choice and then the new leaders for the Labour Scottish Parliament team will be able to offer an alternative to the current Scottish administration.”

Anas Sarwar

He said a voice for the islands needed to clearly point out the problems and to offer a better future by working together in Britain.

Ex-candidate Donald Crichton said: “Johann Lamont is highly experienced and was a solid minister. She’ll take the fight to Salmond and be a good friend for the Western Isles. And Anas will bring proven campaigning skills to the leadership, and reach the areas we need to win again.”

With her brother in Garrabost, on Lewis, and Tiree connections, the local party says it believes Johann Lamont is a well-known and highly respected figure in the Hebrides.

Despite the positivity of the party’s spin machine, other Labour insiders were far from happy and claimed the meeting was “uncomfortable” for some of the party faithful.

Some thought that the current leadership of the local party had managed to split it. They spoke of only some members being kept in the loop and of an incident in which a prominent member was “humiliated”.

Where to get cheaper diesel

Diesel is currently 4p a litre cheaper at the Barvas filling station than it is in Stornoway.

Niall Iain rows CY 2 SY

Award winning Gaelic TV and radio presenter Niall Iain Macdonald is taking to the waves once again for charity. Niall Iain, 37, will row the length of the Western Isles, from the Isle of Barra to the Isle of Lewis, this week to raise money for BBC Children In Need.

Niall Iain Macdonald in training for NY2SY. Photo by Leila Angus

Niall Iain will leave Castlebay at 8.30am on Wednesday (16th Nov) and hopes to complete the 100-mile challenge non-stop over 3 days, aiming to arrive in Stornoway in time for the BBC Radio nan Gaidheal ‘Children In Need Ceilidh’ which will be broadcast live on Friday night (18th Nov).

The broadcaster is currently busy with preparations for his ‘NY2SY: Solo North Atlantic Row 2012’, when he will attempt to row solo from New York to Stornoway at the end of May next year.

Said Niall Iain: “I’ve been wanting to tackle this route through the Minch all summer and I’m glad that I can do one final row before the end of the year. It will be my longest one to date, 100 miles over 3 days, and it will be strange as I will be rowing in darkness, more than daylight, due to the short days. I am aiming to be back in time for the ‘Children In Need Ceilidh’ at BBC Radio nan Gaidheal on Friday night so Pudsey will have to do a shift or two on the oars to make sure we make it!”

He hopes to raise £5,000 for this year BBC Children In Need appeal and has set up a JustGiving page for anyone wishing to support his efforts with a donation:

His progress can also be tracked via his JustGiving page throughout the challenge.