Why did CalMac boss Phil Preston quit?

Why is managing director Phil Preston stepping down suddenly from CalMac? There are the inevitable rumours when an organisation tries to hide the facts but some of these whispers are confusing in the extreme. Good grief.

Whichever is true, many islanders have reason to be thankful to him for finally deciding to put on a seven-day service in the face of stiff opposition from those deluded souls who remain committed to keeping our fragile islands in the dark ages and putting our children’s futures in jeopardy.

43 Responses to Why did CalMac boss Phil Preston quit?

  1. i think we all know whats going on here dont we

  2. I Can't Believe Its Not Butter

    No. Do tell.

  3. Greenock Gracious

    Incompetence. Naughtiness . Dishonesty. Must be one of these
    But which one .

  4. Mr X, what a load of rubbish your second paragraph is!

    Quote – “committed to keeping our fragile islands in the dark ages and putting our children’s futures in jeopardy”.

    How in creation does one very slow moving ferry sailing the Minch on a Sunday, take us out of the dark ages and put our children on a path of fame and fortune…….. I don’t think there was stiff opposition either.

    But at least it’ll get the ‘heated’ debates going again, it’s been a bit boring here lately with people agreeing, it’s just what’s needed, a bit of controversy back on the blog again.

    As a matter of interest, what’s a “dark age” and who decides if you’re in one?

  5. There was stiff opposition Mr. Advocacy – that was the little that Mr. X. got right. Myself and my family and most of our congregation were against it, as were most of our friends, we will never use a Sabbath ferry and we believe that no one who is concerned about their soul will use it. While I may condole with Mr Preston in his current difficulties , he may get his true reward in another life.

  6. murdo mackinnon

    why not? please expand

  7. murdo mackinnon

    it would appear that many of us highlanders are still living in intellectual darkness ,historically we were always the most reluctant to accept changes and still are it would seem.how ironic ?we obviously decide for ourselves whether we are in the light or in the dark,any wiser advocacy?

  8. Mr Murray should worry about his own soul and not the soul of others. The only soul a person is responsible for is their own. If people want to travel on a Sunday that is their business. No one should have to travel on a Sunday who believes they shouldn’t. By the same token if someone wants to travel on a Sunday they should be allowed.

  9. Duncan, protestantism ignorance…… just about sums you up – another case of commenting on something you know nothing about! Try reading up on what a Christian’s responsibilities are before your belly rumbles the next time.

    It would appear that ‘darkness’ is rejecting anything the enlightened mainland have, laughable. Their a bit like sheep, following the leader – better watch in case they take you somewhere even darker! Try taking your eyes off their behinds and look at where they’re taking you………….

  10. Where’s this edit button Mr X…………….!

  11. Let us be quite clear Mr Advocacy, this is your christianity and it does not allow you to interfere in the lives of those who do not accept christian beliefs. You have no right to have any interference on how others live their lives. A numbskull like you has to accept this type of infringement on peoples lives is illegal. I don’t need to have an idiot like yourself looking after me. Your response is anything but christian with no care or understanding of others. To attack and behave in an abusive manner towards others who don’t share your christian beliefs speaks volumes for an organisation which you belong. Why don’t you go and take your holy war elsewhere.

  12. “Mr” Duncan, “let us be quite clear” as you put it about one thing, your knowledge is “quite” clearly limited on what a Christian’s (protestant, “let us be quite clear” about that one too) responsibilities are relation to their fellow humans, whether they so desire it or not (I’m getting this overwhelming feeling you don’t……) so if you’re rant is about that part of my post, then try reading up on it before ranting on again……..

    Quote: “A numbskull like you has to accept this type of infringement on peoples lives is illegal.” Wrong again “Mr” Duncan, even an “numbskull” like me knows I can have whatever opinions I care to have, and express whatever ones I so wish within the law, try reading up on the Law too while you’re at it, you may discover what’s legal and what’s not…… “numbskull”.

    Being “quite clear” about something else too “Mr” Duncan, I don’t think I have the necessary training or skills to look after you, so will leave it to those who have the special talents to do so, nor would I care too.

    “Let us be quite clear” on one final matter, it’s somewhat ignorant and presumptuous of you to assume I belong to any organisation, or I’m taking “my” holy war anywhere, just because I’m bewildered by this so called darkness we’re in according to Mr X – and for drawing attention to some Christian facts along the way, which you’re clearly in the ‘dark’ about – do I hint some anger brewing. “Why don’t you go and take your holy war elsewhere”, “Mr” Duncan – you seem to have a bit of an issue with it.

  13. Well Well Mr Advocacy it appears that only your opinion counts. I expressed my opinion only to get a rude abusive response from you. What is the point in arguing with a bigot who is a nmbskull devoid of logc and reason. Do I make myself clear Mr Advocacy??

  14. Much the same as your own “rude abusive response” Mr Duncan, or are you “devoid of” any responsibility for your ‘own’ behaviour – a very black “pot calling the kettle black” springs to mind – but of course you’re typical of those arguing for the dark times to flee us, using the favourite “bigoted” word and claiming abuse at every opportunity as some sort of attack on those that disagree, and all the time in denial of their own behaviour…….

    Change the record.

  15. Dear numbskull it is you who wishes to impose your beliefs on me. You believe you have a right to save my soul by stopping me travelling on a Sunday. Sorry but I don’t want you to save my soul, you can read whatever book you want but it does not give you the right to impose your beliefs on me. It’s illegal. Have I made myself clear numbskull.

  16. Illegal, what planet are you communicating from, try popping onto earth……

    You have no idea what ‘my’ beliefs are, just because I support something it doesn’t mean I actively take part – try and digest that.

    For example, you may enjoy wearing women’s cloth and feel very comfortable in them, that’s your choice and so be it and so on, doesn’t mean I’m going to jump into a pair of bloomers with you – I would just as strongly protest against any “numbskull” who asked you to take them off…..

  17. Very interesting, I’m sure, but I’m not sure what women’s knickers, and putting them on or pulling them off, has to do with some cove from MacBraynes jumping ship.

  18. You wear what ever you want numbskull, its none of my business but don’t be telling others what to wear. If you are a transvestite that’s fine, be who you are. As I originally said, if someone wants to travell on a Sunday let them. If someone prefers not to, thats, fine but don’t use the excuse of using souls to stop Sunday ferries. Is that clear numbskull.

  19. Duncan, you’re missing the point or choosing to dodge it or uncapable of grasping it……… being the most likely reason.

    Guga, you’d be surprised what taking off knickers and putting them back on has to do with with things ………………. Some off the biggest decisions will have been decided on whether they came off or not …………

  20. murdo mackinnon

    children children

  21. Och leave them murdo. I have no idea how they got to dressing up in womens clothing but it is getting really exciting.

  22. murdo mackinnon

    it actually laughable,shows Mr X was right about intellectual darkness’ well said Mairianne

  23. In my view Ian X is not critical enough of the idiots who have held back these islands for generations with the active support of unthinking neanderthals like Advocacy. Yes they have been ruining the economy of these islands and many potential employers have fled. That is why Arnish is now a faltering shadow of it’s former self propped up by subsidies and dodgy deals. Your children and my children have to go elsewhere for work because of people like Advocacy. It’s probably all too late now, these islands are f@*&ed!

  24. Well said Colin, I tried to make a point of tollerance and ended up with being called names in an abusive tone. So much for these so called christians. If we accept that these people are entitled to their own views why can they no give us the same privilige?
    Anyway I hope that advocacy feels better after admitting to being a transvestite. ~It must be a weight off his mind.

  25. Try not to take it so serious folk, watch your blood pressure….

    Colin, quote: “Yes they have been ruining the economy of these islands and many potential employers have fled. That is why Arnish is now a faltering shadow of it’s former self propped up by subsidies and dodgy deals.”

    Is it for these same reasons that Ardersier isn’t even a shadow but a desert now, and Nigg is in the same state as Arnish – did the “unthinking neanderthals” cause that too by giving them 24/7 working, no retsriction whatsoever – pathetic response!

    In our esteemed leader’s words “calm down dear”!

  26. murdo mackinnon

    duncan these so called christians as you call them are to be commended for their intransigent stance, they unlike many of us stand firmly by what they believe in whether we believe it or not,.time will tell…

  27. murdo mackinnon

    still waiting for answer from A Murray

  28. Ado the Trani is getting his knickers in a twist. No doubt he would have everyone working on the land struggling to make ends meet and doing what we are told by numbskulls like him. Fast forward son we have moved a long way since these days. You are severely lacking in abilities and capabilities hence the reasom for wanting to turn the clock back to a time where you think you can cope.
    When did tou start cross dressing?

  29. Murdo I stand by what I believe in regardless. To persecute people who hold different beliefs in the name of Christ is very much unchristian. Who has given these people the authority to decide what is right and what is wrong ?? They may band together but it does not make them right. What I understand to be the case for entry into heaven is to be a member of the free church, it must be a small place. The sad thing is that they cannot band together, there is always a split every few years, which of these groups are right.

  30. murdo mackinnon

    at least marieanne is getting excited ,rest of us getting bored,,,,we could all partake in childish personal insults;keep to the original point children

  31. murdo mackinnon

    I think you should get all your facs right Duncan;not many so far

  32. Duncan, what are you on about?

    You’re losing your way a bit……

  33. murdo mackinnon

    not often we agree advocacy

  34. murdo mackinnon

    not often we agree ,advocacy

  35. murdo mackinnon

    Duncan;just noticed your latest drivel..persecute???think you should read a dictionary

  36. I Can't Believe Its Not Butter

    Um…. any word on why Phil Preston quit?

  37. murdo mackinnon

    No but Greenock Gracious has already decided it one of three reasons,assumptions tut tut

  38. Is cross dressing the same as being a transvestite?

  39. Domhnall, no, not quite, cross dressing is when you are in a foul mood putting on your rags in the morning, and transvestite is when you make an arse of putting on your vest, (not necessarily in the morning) which is a size or two too small. Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, still not a word of explanation from anyone, First Minister, Transport minister, MSP, MP, or the Comhairle Transport Chief, no, not even through gritted teeth!

  40. I would think Advocacy can explain he raised it.

  41. murdo mackinnon

    Is it possible he just had his Phil and Preston to pastures new?

  42. Phil Preston, who is he ?? Started well but as ever, we very nearly got back onto the ‘Gay’ chain. Luckily it stopped at transvestism. This blog is nothing if not entertaining.
    Now A Murray, that was a really bold statement, ”Myself and my family and most of our congregation were against it, as were most of our friends, we will never use a Sabbath ferry”.
    We’ll be watching Mr(Ms) Murray, cameras at the ready. Your words may well come back and haunt you.

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