Comhairle’s rapid response to pothole report

Credit where it’s due. I phoned technical services at the comhairle on Thursday morning after the car ahead of me on the road to Point banged into a pothole which had appeared in the road, just past Parkend.

When I was back on that road about three hours later, it had been fixed. Well done, guys.

While a lot of people will moan about potholes, it is also true that very few will actually pick up the phone and call the right department and tell them exactly where it is.

PS – There is now another pothole on North Street, less than a hundred yards from the main road.

5 Responses to Comhairle’s rapid response to pothole report

  1. Iain key phrase in your report – Road To Point

    Sadly our council is less inclinded to rush outwith of Stornoway and fix the ever increasing trench system that once was a road network and now portents to be part of the Western front.

  2. murdo mackinnon

    That was pot luck Iain,pardon the pun,lucky it’s not freezing or that cold tar would have lifted by following morning though.However,given current financial climes,the council can only do so much,Paul is wrong in what he says.we do not realise how lucky we are compared to other places and that includes more than a few potholes in our roads.maybe Paul and others of a like mind could enlighten the rest of us as to how to remedy the financial restraints on our beleaguered council.

  3. murdo mackinnon

    awaiting moderation for three hours?our council reaction times are obviously better than most….Ok there was an excuse,hope you not still stuck in toilet

  4. murdo mackinnon

    Obvious the pot hole was on road into Point,the only good thing about point is the road out of it and of course the view accross broadbay

  5. Murdo presumably either an employee of or relate to CnES. You are in the minority as I see it with your undying affection for our council.

    As any suggestions by me will clearly be vemently challenged and perhaps therefore are best submitted individually.

    Savings; One.

    Gaelic is an educational and cultural model that is and should be strongly supported but in said educational and cultural applications and certainly not in business where duplication with the national language is by default necessary.

    Suggestion remove the use of Gaelic in Council affairs totally releasing the considerable funds unnecessarily committed to its use to repair of minor roads as just one example.

    Succesfully challanged I will submit another idea.

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