No apologies for stirring up anti-gay hatred as journalist John Macleod finally quits the Labour Party

The Labour Party in the Western Isles is proud it is so inclusive. It does not kick out anyone – unless they over-claim on sheep subsidy or stand against an official candidate. However, the constituency party began tearing itself apart after it emerged the executive had secretly welcomed Scotland’s most vicious homophobe, one John “I wish them dead” Macleod, into their midst.

Thinking themselves electable again soon, many wanted the arrogant, self-centred self-publicising bible-basher slung out. The CLP executive did their usual rabbit-in-the-headlights impressions. They hoped he would publicly apologise for branding gay people in his national newspaper columns, as not fit to live. Fat chance. Has the despicable excuse for a man, who is also banned for life from the SNP after an “incident” that party chiefs have sworn to keep secret, ever shown the humility necessary for an apology?

Despite the inaction of the dopeys who should be striving to uphold the Labour Party’s founding principles, which includes disavowing hate crimes and those responsible, Macleod himself has finally got the message and realised he is as welcome as an inadvertent emission in a spacesuit. He has headed for the exit. Oh dear, I hope it was nothing I said. If anyone’s interested, a party to celebrate conformation of the hater’s departure is underway. “The party will be on a biblical scale,” a mischievous Labour insider whispers. Forty days and 40 nights? Steady, guys. Are you sure you’ve got rid of all the homophobes?

12 thoughts on “No apologies for stirring up anti-gay hatred as journalist John Macleod finally quits the Labour Party

  1. I would like to extend an invitation to Mr Macleod and all of you who are looking to join with a party that could , indeed can, and if we really must …will .. mean all things to all men/women/faiths/expelled Nationalists /expelled Socialists/expelled tories/ expelled homophobes/non-faiths/minorities [and if necessary majorities] to come and join us in the broad church that is the Scottish Liberal Party.

    We’ll take anyone these days !

    There’s nothing quite like a coalition – if you know what I mean !?!


  2. Gosh, Dokus and John Macleod have fallen on their swords in the space of one week . If this keeps up I may even vote for Labour again. Just one to go .

  3. Good news. Now, for the sake of democracy and decency, a certain other party has to stop relying on a homophobic bus-driver for any part of its funds.

    But hell will freeze over ..

  4. I’ve been told that I’m going to be allowed to meet Big Alex about the Independence debate

    Does anyone know why does he wants to meet me in Edinburgh when we could meet in Carloway and he could show me some nice houses to move to in the islands ?


  5. unlike you i don’t speak out of are obviously a newcomer to this blog otherwise you would know that this topic has been gone over time and time again

  6. Homophobia ~
    ὁμός, meaning ‘one and the same, common’
    φόβος, meaning ‘intimidating entity’, ‘the product of an intimidating/alarming force’.

    I hardly think so. Homophobia is a weasel word that is brandied about with little or no relationship to the subject matter. Its the same type of word Muslims use all the time in the media (Islamophibia) in order to get out of a failing argument.

    I have never yet met a homophobic, yet I have met plenty of people with Arachnophobia. A real phobia!

    Adults must learn to use rational arguments and not rely on outpourings of emotion all the time. What ever happened to real discussions and debate?

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