Announcement – O’Hara Family Appeal

Following the tragic death of Mr Jon O’Hara of Garrabost, local councillor Zena Stewart in conjunction with Point Community Council has organised an appeal for the devastated family, Mrs Linzi O’Hara and her five children, aged four to eleven.

Mr O’Hara’s funeral was held on Tuesday, 18th December from The Salvation Army Hall in Bayhead Street, Stornoway.

Collecting cans will be available at the following locations until the New Year:

Garrabost P O,
Engebret Filling Station,
Campbell Filling Station,
Charley Barley’s,
MacNeills Bar,
Criterion Bar,
Carlton Bar,
Star Inn,
K J Macdonald, Chemist,
Sea Angling Club,
Stornoway Golf Club,
Rangers Supporters Club,
Crown Hotel,
Lewis Hotel,
County Hotel,
Cabarfeidh Hotel,
Coffee Pot,
Peking Cuisine,
Church Street Chippy,
Clydesdale Bank,
Gordon Diesel, Back,
Trading Post.

The support of the community is much appreciated.

Issued on behalf of Councillor Zena Stewart.

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