Category Archives: injunctions

Naming Private Ryan

There was a day you could expect Labour people to stand up for our rights and freedoms. No longer. To see John Prescott and Tom Harris tearing into John Hemming, a brave Lib Dem MP, for naming Ryan Giggs in parliament, was stomach-churning.

It is for MPs to legislate and for judges to interpret. Fine. Not a mention from the

Up the people

the two representatives of the party of the working class that super-injunctions are the preserve only of the very wealthy so the their effectiveness should be undermined wherever possible. The betrayal of ordinary people by these two pro-establishment poodles is complete.

The lure of Lib Dem bashing was also irresistible to Alasdair Campbell. So his name too is on the list for when the great day comes.  Power to the people.

A wry and giggly look at that Sunday Herald front page

Today's front page

I make no allegation about the private life of anyone you may think you recognise from the front page of the Sunday Herald (partly reproduced above). My only interest is that the newpaper is to be commended for publishing it especially as no legal order banning publication in Scotland is in force.  Other so-called Scottish newspapers have been shown up as being utterly timid and useless in defending freedom of speech from greedy English lawyers and the buffoons who preside in English libel courts who have neither regard for democracy nor the basic freedoms on which our great nations were built.