Category Archives: News International

Why did Boris Johnson defend corrupt Met Commissioner?

Something smells in London. I couldn’t believe it when Mayor Boris Johnson seemed to say on TV that Met Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson resigned because there were so many distractions to him doing a good job.
No. Sir Paul resigned because he was exposed as corrupt having taken a £12,000 freebie and because he was trying to hide that he was very pally with ex-News of the World editor Neil Wallis, who he knew was directly connected to the donor. Simple.
Sir Paul has also been exposed as having tried to stop the Guardian investigating in 2009 while he himself was dining out with Murdoch people. Could it be that the Mayor is somehow involved in this too? I think even more high-up heads could roll.
It is a mystery how Acting Deputy Commissioner John Yates is still in place having virtually admitted he is useless and that he closed an inquiry without even examining the evidence. Still, it’s only 9pm.
This is going to lead directly to David Cameron.

Stornoway media bosses will be lightly grilled

Media bosses are set to be hauled before a powerful select committee to explain secret surveillance tactics which, it is widely suspected, are carried out on an industrial scale.

However, it has emerged that the policy and resources committee cannot order big boss Rupert Morrison to attend because he is an alien. He’s from Lochs.

However, Mistress Rebekah Gillen, his Managing Editor of Lapse Indicating Newspaper Deep-throat Activities, will be summoned to the White House to explain why she has been intruding on the lives of ordinary people by ordering her staff to secretly photograph cars while pretending to highlight bad parking.

Last week saw a rash of even more extraordinary claims. Island readers were treated to such shockers as “Parking watch promised following complaints” and an outrageous exclusive front page shocker, which confirmed the extent to which Gillen has managed to get close to high-ranking officers at Northern Constabulary. It said: “Police ask you to tell them about bad parking.”

Despite the mounting evidence of an unhealthy relationship, Assistant Commissioner Gordon MacYates said: “What? I know nothing. How did you get this number?”

One angry motorist told us: “Up until now the photos Mrs Rebekah published were of poorly-parked cars in places away from Stornoway town centre. Then the mood changed when she last week published a photo of an Inverness flooring van. She pixelated the number plate but not the name of The Floor Centre.
“Great free advertising for them – which is a first from her paper. She certainly doesn’t do that for local companies. She and Rupert always squeeze them dry.
“It is obviously a cover-up. If she was really interested in parking, she would be taking photos of the lawbreakers who clog up the town’s streets on Sundays. They are the real villains. It’s one rule for them and another for us.”

Stornoway resident Mrs Angry said: “I am one of that woman’s victims. She took photos of my car while I was in the chemist. What do you think of that? To get my own back, I’ve been hiding with a camera behind a bin close to Whopping Press headquarters on Francis Street but I haven’t seen her.
“I’ve also heard a rumour that she is now disguised as someone with distinctive black hair. Everyone should keep an eye out for her.”In a terse statement from Whopping Press, Mrs Rebekah said: “Rupert and I have co-operated fully throughout this inquiry. If any boobs come to light, we will certainly look at them.”

Meanwhile, there have been suggestions the raven-haired press boss is already far too close to members of the policy and resources committee.  Sources say she has been seen cosying up to committee chairman Angus Campbell and vice-chair Norman Macdonald who have recently been busy ensuring there has never been more work on the island – but not for any local companies. Maybe they have much in common.

In a joint response to our questions, they slurred: “Were we at darling Rebekah’s birthday party? Can you prove it? We go to many birthday parties – don’t we, Nigel – but that doesn’t mean we can remember who we spoke to or even whose birthday it was. Anyone got any more champagne?
“See you? You’re my best pal ……”

Boycotts can quickly change twisted stands of the greedy and powerful

Vladimir Romanov, the owner of Hearts, decided to take what he claimed was a principled position and stood by sex offender Craig Thomson. With sponsors in retreat and a public boycott of the club, his principles of two weeks ago have vanished as he could see millions going down the drain. Sod the principles – he has sacked him.

Rupert Murdoch is meanwhile still standing by his UK CEO Rebekah Brooks. That could mean a boycott of his toxic brand and badly affect his other publications. Her transfer to America or Australia would mean even more responsibility for the prime minister’s favourite redtop. Does Murdoch trust her judgement enough after the current fiasco? We’re about to find out.